Stewart Family | Cornwall, NY family session

Almost exactly one year ago, I creepily asked our housemates (our homes are connected) if they'd be my first West Point family session. I was brand new to West Point, and I hadn't done a family session in a while and wanted the practice in our new area. They were a beautiful family, and I had been eyeing them for photography purposes since I met them because I am a massive freak. They agreed, even though I'm pretty sure Amanda was internally giving me the side eye the entire time. But the pictures turned out nicely (in my opinion) and I continued to low-key stalk them throughout the year and take a dumb amount of photos of them. 

Last year, Amanda was pregnant with baby Pete. She was beautiful pregnant, and should probably do it a dozen more times, but now with Pete here in her arms instead of her belly, she's 1000 times more radiant. We spent the evening frolicking at the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum in Cornwall, which couldn't have been more incredible. We ended the evening with the children getting ice cream (probably there such a thing? Nevermind, they probably just got raw carrots) and me raiding their house for prosecco (or "champagne".) So, definitely a win. 

I'm not going to speak on the fact that they're leaving the Winans Gang in a few short months. I'm actually refusing to acknowledge it. :) #ignorant


Anyway- here's one of my favorite families! 

And because who doesn't love a good side-by-side: here's Lillian loving on Pete on the inside & now the outside. <3