Berg Family | West Point, NY

Getting to shoot other photographers is always such a privilege (although a bit nerve-wracking!) They know how to dress, know how to act, and don't look at you like you're insane when you ask them to do odd things. ;) (Bushes!, free-lensing fails, slow shutter speed experimentation...) 

We started off at South Dock with the whole clan (in addition to being an amazing photographer, Lynzi is also mama to FOUR boys! Oh and homeschools. Yeah, I don't know how she looks so awesome either. I tried to find out her secret. Was not successful.) and had so much fun. Then we switched it up, dropped the boys off with a neighbor, and I got to take just Lynzi & Lukas out around North Dock for some alone time. I loved getting to focus on just the two of them. They've been married 11 years now, and were as affectionate and in love as any freshly engaged couple I've gotten to shoot. It was so refreshing to see that passion being kept alive in a marriage. 

I'm really sad mine & Lynzi's West Point paths didn't cross sooner/longer, but if you're in the Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas area, you are in luck. <3