Kubeika | Family

I absolutely adore this family. 

Getting to take photos of them is always a treat, and now with their newest addition it was even more fun. 

Julie is somewhat of a role model for me. She just exudes this peacefulness- even in her moments when I know she has to be stressed & overwhelmed, she seems at peace. She has a quiet inward beauty that matches her outer beauty. If I can figure out her secret, I'll share. ;) 

And I honestly can't get over how sweet Eleni was towards her new baby sister. She was constantly running over to check on her, give her a quick kiss, or just murmur "I love you" into Audrey's tiny ears. What an amazing big sister she is- Johnny & Audrey are lucky they'll have her looking over them for their whole lives. 

At one point, Julie joked, "Liza is going to go home & tell Zack 'WE ARE NEVER HAVING ANOTHER BABY' after seeing us!" That couldn't be further from the truth. Yes, it was a little chaotic at times with three little ones, but there was such a beauty in that chaos, such love. If anything, it made me want a bigger family ASAP. I loved watching them. Eleni twirling and chattering while Johnny made Buzz (& his orange) fly over all over the room, Julie & John still finding time to laugh together and steal kisses from one another, while the baby slept away in her mama's arms. 

Being a family of 5 suits you guys, it really does.